Recommended Media

This is a list of the media that I enjoy for learning and, yes, entertainment.  I usually do not have time for stuff that is solely entertainment, unless I am just chillin’ with my wife or family, so there is at least some aspect of education in each of these items.


I do not have much time to read many blogs since I am usually reading books and, when reading, I can not “multi-task”.   However, here are the websites that I occasionally visit or get e-mail summaries from.

The Gospel and Ministry

They are focused on a Gospel centered world view and ministry areas that I am currently interested in.

  • Ligonier Ministries ( – one of my go to places for research and insights on topics and passages. There is a lot of material that makes one think “is this really the way I/we should be doing this?”
  • The Gospel Coalition ( – TGC is an excellent resource for Gospel centered ministry.  There is a lot of information on relating to the world and to other Christians.  I particularly enjoy the articles on how to relate to and build relationships with those that have different perspectives than I do.  There are some things I do not agree with but different opinions is cool and grace should abound.


This is a very important topic for me and I want to continue to up my game here.  Hey, not only do I want to live with her for the rest of my life, but I want to always surprise and impress.  Many provide great ideas to develop the passion and improve the marriage relationship.

  • The Generous Husband ( – I like what Paul’s about page says: “..learning how to ‘go the extra mile’ for your wife, rather than doing only what you think is ‘required'”.  Want to be the man that your wife dreams about?  This blog provides great practical insights to improving your marriage relationship and encouragement to keep going even when it is tough.
  • The Generous Wife ( – this is not a site I subscribe to but is written by Paul’s wife, Lori, and is the companion for the previous blog.  I would strongly recommend for the ladies.
  • The Marriage Bed ( – This is on the intimacy side of marriage.  Paul and Lori gather a lot of research (including doing their own surveys) and provide insight into the marriage bed and related issues.  This is a great place to explore ideas and work through issues related to sex and intimacy “to find the depth of intimacy God intended through the gift of sex.”
  • The Romantic Vineyard ( – As it’s name implies, this resource provides ideas to “romance” your spouse.  There are a lot of great idea and tips to grow your marriage.  Though a lot of their date ideas are related to the Orlando, FL area, they can be modified to fit your location.  This is a site with ideas that I definitely could do more in applying.


This is a great medium for information, especially when spending time in the vehicle or working on tasks that do not require concentration.  Definitely makes travel time go by and often wish there were a few more trips just so I can get in more.

The Gospel and Ministry

  • Pleasant Ridge Christian Fellowship ( – Sermons from one of my most favourite places to be.  Mike’s heart is centered on the Gospel and so is his teaching.
  • Everyday Disciple ( – Matthew 28:18-20 tells us to go out and get people saved but to make disciples.  It is not necessarily an event but a process.  Caesar discusses practical applications on how to do this and often shares results of communities living on mission of being and making disciples.  Love this!
  • Cedarville University ( – Cedarville has daily 10 o’clock chapels that are recorded (or can be watched live).  There are a variety of topics and the talks are almost always Christ centered.  The university lives out its mission: Cedarville University is a Christ-centered learning community equipping students for life-long leadership and service through an education marked by excellence and grounded in biblical truth.
  • The Gospel Coalition ( – These podcasts are, of course, Gospel focused and relate to all aspects of ministry and relationships.  Great resource for living a Christ centered life.
  • Crazy Love ( – A different perspective compared to the traditional ideas of what is church.  These are mainly Francis Chan’s sermons with a Gospel centered church focus.  Often he drives me to rethink about what I do and why.  Is it tradition or is it really building Christ’s church.
  • Desiring God ( – Another set of sermons.  These are from John Piper.  His focus is on knowing God’s glory.  Particularly, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.”


  • The Naked Marriage ( – Wow!  This couple, Dave and Ashley, are so spot on with marriage issues.  They demonstrate that marriage is a reflection of the Gospel and always have useful insights and encouragement.  I am always being reminded or learning new things of how to build a marriage focused on Christ.


  • Michael Hyatt’s Lead To Win ( – This is my favourite leadership podcast.  Michael and his daughter, Megan, provide very practical and applicable leadership related discussions.   During most discussions, they provide step-by-step processes and/or principles to help in leadership and productivity.  The best thing is that they do not shy away from their faith!
  • Entreleadership ( – Another one of my favourites.  Even though it is geared toward small business owners and entrepreneurs, these podcasts provide a lot of useful leadership and interpersonal insight.  They also have great success stories of start-ups that had struggles and overcame.  Hopefully, I will be in a position of organizational ownership or leadership soon, so I am trying to learn.
  • Dose of Leadership ( – another great leadership podcast.  Richard Rierson does a great job of interviewing assorted leaders, established and up-and-coming, to gain insights into common sense leadership.  A very professionally done podcast.  There is always something to learn from him.
  • Truly Human Leadership ( – This podcast comes from Bob Chapman and Barry Wehmiller.  Focused on people centric leadership.  Though it is not a very regular podcast, the desire is to teach leaders how to lift people up and develop a love for the team.  Each person is someone’s son or daughter.  How do you want your child to be treated?
  • L3 Leadership ( – Doug Smith regularly interviews great leaders in, not only, industry and commercial companies but also from not-for profits and churches.  He also advocates mastermind groups and many of the interviews come from his meetings.  I like how he has a ‘lightning round’ of questions that are very insightful but require short answers. A way to learn a lot about a leader in a short amount of time.

Personal Growth and Productivity

  • Art of Manliness ( – To take a quote from their site: uncovering the lost art of being a man.  Brett McKay provides a smorgasbord of information on being a man.  This is primarily done by guest interviews; “Exploring all things manly”.  This includes historical figures, health, relationships, careers, manly skills, and many other topics.  Like I said, a manly variety of manliness.  There is always something to learn here.  The website is also a great place for information.
  • Beyond the To-Do List ( – Erik Fisher share a lot of tricks and skills of productive people.  I am always learning something new on how to get things done more efficiently.

General Business

  • Business Wars ( – David Brown hosts this incredible show telling about epic battles in business.  Who will win and who will come to ruin?  What drives these companies to do what they do? But some stories are still going on now to determine who really is the best.  This is one of my favourite shows that discuss leadership, invention, strategy and providence in an exciting and dramatic way.
  • HBR Idea Cast ( – The Harvard Business Review team interviews business and management “thinkers” in a variety of topics.  This is one podcast that often provides different thoughts that what I normally consider.  I enjoy those leaders that are actually leading and managing in the real world over the academics that are often provided but these options are still “food for thought”.

Technology and Engineering

The Amp Hour ( – Non-scripted electronics at its best.  Chris and Dave discuss a range of electronics oriented technologies, often having guests on the show discussing cool electronic innovations.  When time permits, I listen to this show to keep up with some of my electronics knowledge and find out about new, up-and-coming technologies.


Some fun podcasts that usually are an encouragement and sometimes makes me think.

  • No Dumb Questions ( – Matt and Dustin just have a blast doing this podcast.  This is pretty much discussions over a variety of topics.  There really is a lot one can learn from a history buff/pastor and a rocket scientist.  A lot of fun to listen to the banter and being able to learn as they learn from each other.
  • The Way I Heard It ( – Have you heard  The Rest of the Story by Paul Harvey?  This is Mike Rowe’s version.  Mike spins great, mysterious stories of real people, places and/or things that will keep one guessing “who” until the end.  Most have interesting twists and provide little known facts about the subject.  They are also short so can be listened to in one sitting and almost anywhere.